3. Cymatics- Liquid Plastic

According to author and lecturer Dr. Deepak Chopra, Ayurveda teaches that: “The body is held together by sound, and the presence of disease indicates that some sounds are out of tuneā€¦ primordial sound is the mysterious link that holds the universe together in a web that is the quantum field.”

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Science identifies powerful rejuvenating substance – Nitric OxideLearn more: Natural News (NaturalNews) Human beings have always been looking for the perfect regenerative tonic. In my book the The Tao of Rejuvenation I detail the ancient search and identify some of the great elixirs that have been used to restore health and extend life. Even so, […]

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Psychoacoustics If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Assuming there is actually no living being in the forest (which is not likely), the answer is no, it does not make a sound. There need to be three things present for there […]

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