LIVE H20 – Why Retune Your Instrument?

LOVE 528

LOVE 528Why we are asking LIVE H2O musicians to retune to 528Hz frequency.

Everything has a vibration, and 528 is a simple number that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.”  More than any sound previously discovered, this “LOVE frequency” resonates harmonically in your heart inaudibly connecting your spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

Even the parallel universes connect to the center of your heart by this “LOVE channel” broadcasting matter and energy according to the laws of physics. In fact, 528 is fundamental to these laws. This frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

This is why we lovingly request recording artists engaging LIVE H2O to gain the “power of 528 to set everything straight.”

Besides understanding more about 528 than ever before, modern standard tuning based on “A=440Hz” has come under scientific scrutiny. This politically imposed tuning is energetically degrading to the human spirit according to recent discoveries in sound science and natural healing. Tuning instruments to A=440 frequency stimulates the head, the intellect, but blocks the heart and intuition. A=440Hz generally produces increased anxiety in performers and listeners, while 528Hz tuning produces greater relaxation and creative self expression.

Science has now proven that even parallel universes connect to the center of your heart using this LOVE frequency. In fact, 528Hz is fundamental to broadcasting matter and energy according to the laws of physics. This frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

So if your heart longs for “the world to sing in perfect harmony,” engage LIVE H2O, and by participating, gain the “power of 528 to set everything straight.”

Read More about the LIVE H20 being put together by OMMM Reiki MI in the Calgary area HERE.